PreviewThe people shape their own destiny
-- either as free people or as slaves.

If they remain self-reliant, they stay free.
Unchecked, ever-expanding government power
-- destroys lives.

Government panacea is a defective idea.
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Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Health Care Deform & Other Obama Screw Ups

Mr Obama's Health Control may be slow coming down the lane. Seems some people have come to their senses that government always wastes far more than it delivers. If you need evidence, you need look no father than the budget enacted earlier this year.

Despite a projected deficit over 1.8 trillion dollars (more now), the 2010 budget implemented no change to the health care system or produces any other of Mr Obama's other campaign promises. The U.S. is massively in the hole and nothing but waste will come of it. Mr Obama turns out to be a standard issue, sneaky, greedy politician, i.e. a liar.

“Its the economy!” an Obama administration aide yelped. What? You mean you didn't realize the economy is in tough shape? Have they confessed Mr Obama and the rest are too elitist and out of touch? We the People knew the economy was rough. Still the Obama administration does nothing about the underlying credit crunch. Nothing. Except design horrendous carbon taxes.

Gradually, overseas and domestic banks would figure a way out a the financial mess. Aware of this threat to his elitism, Mr Obama and crew rode in to squelch recovery. Just last Monday (July 13) the administration settled a suit against UBS of Switzerland. UBS' infraction? Not releasing a list of their investors so the IRS could paw it over. UBS will go home.

But I digress....

Mr Obama and Congressional Leftists are determined to prolong American agony as long as no one is looking. They hope to control your access to health care, with an eye to institutionalizing death 'benefits.' 'Maybe you're better off not having the [potentially lifesaving] surgery, but taking the painkiller.' The benefit of death would be awarded to the terminally ill, old, feeble, and the mentally ill. Eventually, ObamaCare will include the politically unrighteous and ethnically impure.

Of the 545 people who occupy Congress and make law in the country, a number seem to be coming 'round to the fact that the commoners are getting restless. The masses who elected this Leftist Congress are not uniformly stupid enough. Lets make a deal with the Leftists. If America gets Mr Obama's style of Death Care, Leftists get to use it first.


Corruption in government is when the government expenditure is spent as if it were for private use.

How much money do you spend on yourself? In a lifetime, even the richest of people could probably spend only a few million dollars on personal expenses. After that, money is spent on family and friends, or buying personal power.

In a public service job, public treasure is a public trust, money should be spent in a transparent fashion. It should always be possible to tell where the money went. An elected official has a fiduciary responsibility to spend public treasure properly. No spending should be for personal benefit. Malfeasant spending is any spending to benefit personal buddies or political allies.

The economy worsens. Trillions of dollars spent, and no visible public benefit. It follows that these funds have not been disbursed in the public interest.


We have a long tradition of democracy in America. May God bless and sustain us.

1 comment:

Pasadena Closet Conservative said...

"God bless us and sustain us" -- thanks for that. We need it desperately right now.