PreviewThe people shape their own destiny
-- either as free people or as slaves.

If they remain self-reliant, they stay free.
Unchecked, ever-expanding government power
-- destroys lives.

Government panacea is a defective idea.
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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

A Social Problem

America has a problem. Though it seems the rest of the world is recovering from the recent financial meltdown, America is stuck in neutral. Our government has been inflicting cures on us which do not work, and here we are.

America is suffering from a malaise in the structure of our society. We do not reward the people who build society; the engineers, the doctors, the risk-taking entrepreneurs, and more. Instead, those people are driven into early retirement by fear.

You even see ads for the source of the fear generated on television. We are bombarded by the message "Who can you sue?" America has about 97% of the world's supply of lawyers. Does the presence of this arrogant aristocracy explain our economic and societal problems?

Lawyers start out to be lawyers. They never get any "real world" work experience. Like a micromanaging boss, they have no clue about the professions or businesses they sue. Instead, they are lawyers -- that makes them instant experts in in a profession which takes an ordinary mortal years to master.

The answer seems clear; we must find a way to reduce the numbers lawyers. I'm not going to suggest choking our rivers with their dead or something like that. Instead, there ought to be three requirements for the practice of law in the United States.

The applicant would be required
  • to finish law school.
  • to pass the exams.
  • to be at least 55 years of age.

Adding the age requirement for the practice of law will force potential lawyers to gain real world experience. The practitioners of law will be more comprehending of the impact they have.


I mentioned this idea to a fan of big government, i.e. a Democrat. He was thunderstruck by the notion that the lawyers who control his political party would be forced to learn about real life before practicing law. There may be hope.

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