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Friday, August 10, 2018

Ohio District 12 is missing ballots

 - and those "missing ballots" tilt heavily to the "Democratic Party" candidate Danny O'Connor. 

This is just how the "Democratic Party" stole the Washington State Governor's election in 2004, or stole a Minnesota Senate seat for "Democratic" mutant candidate Al Franken in close election of 2008.  The method is to insist on recounts until the "Democratic Party" wins.  Meanwhile, you can see the ballots being xeroxed.   Talk about dirty politics.


"Franklin County announced yesterday it actually … found some missing votes. The story on this from
'Election officials in Franklin County found 588 previously uncounted votes in a Columbus suburb. The result: O’Connor had a net gain of 190 votes, bringing the race’s margin down to 1,564.
“The votes from a portion of one voting location had not been processed into the tabulation system,” according to a Franklin County Board of Elections news release.

'That includes 3,435 provisional ballots and 5,048 absentee ballots, which will be tabulated by Aug. 24'"
It always stuns me when election officials simply “find” hundreds of votes that weren’t counted on election night. I’m not alleging there is impropriety, but from a voter’s perspective, this can leave you wondering whether your vote truly gets counted in every election, simply at the expense of human error.

As noted, the final results won’t be certified until August 24, at which point we will learn whether this election is headed into an automatic recount. The ironic part about Ohio-12 is that both candidates, Balderson and O’Connor, will be on the ballot again in November for the 2018 midterm so OH-12 voters get to do this all over again in a couple months."

Quoted from

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