PreviewThe people shape their own destiny
-- either as free people or as slaves.

If they remain self-reliant, they stay free.
Unchecked, ever-expanding government power
-- destroys lives.

Government panacea is a defective idea.
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Friday, April 26, 2019

U.S. economy expands 3.2% -- why?

CBS News: "The U.S. economy expanded at a rate of 3.2 percent in the first quarter, sprinting past analysts' growth forecasts of 2.3 percent."  This is very good news.  It is safe to credit this growth to  Donald Trump and his ideas of radical personal economic (and political) freedom.


Last autumn, the media and others predicted a full on recession for 2019.  Lots of attention was paid to the partial government shut down.  The consequences of that were supposed to be dire.

I wonder how many people do not realize the economy has done so very well perhaps in part due to the government shut down.

People have made 'economies' since the beginning. They do not need someone telling them what to do.  People in the USA have become used to the defective idea that our lives are so complex we need someone to help us along. 

This is an open invitation for politicians to try to seize our private lives.  If that happens we will be back to the status of serfs, doing what the lord of the manor says, and being just as expendable.  

This power is what motivates the Left;  The Obama Administration was heading this direction.  They say they will do kind things to us -- perhaps they intend to -- but they savage personal freedom; they cause only misery.

The less government does for us, the better we will be.  We need to be free.  Social spending, and the taxes that support it, only destroy human lives.

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