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Thursday, May 21, 2020

Grumpy Biden, Trump & hydroxychloroquine

"Now, I get that Biden thinks it’s cute to merge the myth that Trump wants Americans to inject themselves with bleach and the president’s unproven prophylactic use of hydroxychloroquine.

"It’s worth noting, however, that the presumptive Democratic Party nominee is also now telling Americans — including those who need this low-risk prescribed drug that has been approved for all public use for over 70 years — that taking hydroxychloroquine is tantamount to injecting yourself with bleach (National Review article: Trump Hate Is Making It Harder to Study Hydroxychloroquin)."

" What seems lost in all of this hyperpartisan strum und drang over hydroxychloroquine is that we should all hope it works.

"It’s cheap, readily available, in the public domain, and the potential for mass production is therefore high (even if the profit margin would be lower than for new meds).

"We already know the side effects and contraindications. Rooting one way or the other won’t impact the determination of the drug’s effectiveness, but rooting against it is quite perverse, especially if it’s all about Trump.

"Even if people don’t like Trump, shouldn’t we hope that the US president is at least potentially getting some extra protection in this crisis? And shouldn’t we all hope that such a handy drug could make a dent in the pandemic? (Hot Air article: University of Minnesota researcher says hydroxychloroquine could work)."

Joseph Biden, presumptive DNC presidential nominee

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