PreviewThe people shape their own destiny
-- either as free people or as slaves.

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Unchecked, ever-expanding government power
-- destroys lives.

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Thursday, July 16, 2020

Why the COVID 19 spike now?

Mosquito season.  Add that to the list of causes.

Although entomologists are epidemiologists have not yet proven that mosquitoes can transmit corona virus to humans, there is some strong circumstantial evidence.  Here it is.

Generally, mosquito activity will begin when the temperature reaches the 50° F level. Mosquitoes thrive on hot weather. Thus, as the temperatures rise, the mosquito volume increases accordingly. The mosquito season reaches its peak during the hot summer months.

Now, look at the maps:

Google News
This map shows the recent resurgence of COVID 19 in the USA.  Notice the general shape of corona virus hot spots forms the profile of sort of a giant basin.

Now compare that to this map of  the emergence of mosquitoes in the US.

Map for 2018  supplied by Spartan Mosquito.
Except for the blip in the New York area, the COVID map and the arrival of mosquito season fit well.

The other major factor in spreading COVID 19 has been the major riots in cities, where no one wore a mask, and weirdly supported by those leftist city governments.  


We have two major spreaders of COVID:  Rioters and bloodsuckers.

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