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Sunday, March 7, 2021

Gun Control : The battle is joined

Two House bills are probably going to be voted on this week.  Tell your representative how you want them to vote.

First - H.R.8 - Bipartisan Background Checks Act of 2021, to require a background check for every firearm sale., incl. including temporary transfers (loans).

H.R. 8 – would mandate so-called “Universal Background Checks.”  That will do nothing to stop violent crime. The vast majority of criminals get their guns by stealing them or buying them illegally on the street, not from gun shows or neighbors.

The only thing H.R. 8 would do is criminalize private gun sales and transfers – commerce as old as the Republic.

For example, it would put rules and regulations in the way of a woman who needs to borrow a gun from a friend for personal protection. It would put roadblocks in the way of a widow who wants to sell a rifle to a neighbor.

And it’s completely and totally unenforceable without National Gun Registration – so guess what will be next.  

They say the bill has bipartisan support.  What an illusion.  There are 131 cosponsors:  2 are Republicans, 129 are Democrats.

You can notify your US Representative to oppose these gun control schemes.  You can use the House of Representatives look up system here, or use the NRA-ILA action system.  There is no charge, although the NRA-ILA will solicit a donation.


H. R. 1446 - The stated purpose is to strengthen the background check procedures and emphasize no-reason refusals to permit transfer.

H.R. 1446 would give the Biden Administration power to bring the national instant background check system (NICS) almost to a complete halt – making it more difficult than ever before in history for you to exercise your Second Amendment rights.  

All of this bills sponsors are Democrats.

You can use the House of Representatives look up system here, or use the NRA-ILA action system to tell you US Representative to oppose this bill. 


What's next, based on campaign promises:

  • Joe Biden pledged to implement nationwide gun registration - requiring you to submit your gun-purchase history and personal, private information to federal bureaucrats so they can track you in a government database.
  • Joe Biden vowed to ban online ammo sales - making it even more difficult to find and purchase ammunition.
  • Joe Biden says he will ban the importation, manufacture, and sale of thousands of semi-automatic rifles, shotguns, and pistols.
  • Joe Biden promised to ban the importation, manufacture, and sale of any magazine capable of holding more than 10 rounds of ammunition.
  • Joe Biden said he will force millions of gun owners to choose between paying a $200 tax (per firearm) or handing their gun over to federal agents.
  • Joe Biden said he will force current owners of magazines that can hold more than 10 rounds to choose between paying a $200 tax (per magazine) or handing the magazine over to federal agents.
  • Joe Biden promised to impose nationwide gun rationing on law-abiding citizens - restricting the number of firearms you're allowed to purchase in any given month.
  • Joe Biden says he will push for the repeal of the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act - exposing gun manufacturers and gun shop owners to a flood of lawsuits funded by anti-gun groups and all but ensuring a wave of bankruptcies.
  • Joe Biden pledged to implement policies that would force you to store your own gun in your own home in a way that makes it useless for self-defense.
  • Joe Biden said he will use your tax dollars to help states across the country set up gun-licensing programs - requiring millions of law-abiding Americans to request permission from their state government before they can purchase a gun.

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