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Thursday, February 24, 2022

How Biden arranged financing for Russia's invasion of Ukraine

Putin launched a full-scale attack on Ukraine.  Russian forces shelled the big cities overnight and troops were quickly across the border (ABC News).

Biden attacked American petroleum companies, and forced production reduction (CNBC), so America stopped exporting natural gas to Europe. Americans had to look to Russia to find enough petroleum to run our modern economy.  Also, Russia has natural gas in the ground, so the Russian state began to export natural gas to Europe, putting European on a short leash (they had been getting LNG form the US -- Mr Biden effectively shut that down as well.)

All this gave Mr Putin the funds he needed to launch the invasion of Ukraine.

"(Reuters) - The Biden administration is not expected to target Russia's crude oil and refined fuel sector with sanctions cutting off trade, due to concerns about inflation and the harm it could do to its European allies, global oil markets and U.S. consumers, officials say.  (Phil Stewart - Twitter)"

Mr Biden recognizes the need for petroleum, just as long as it is Russian produced and is not from American production.


Going back in time a little ways....

Obama launched an effort to require all Americans to carny health insurance. Part of Obamacare was to require employers of a certain size and larger to pay for their workers health care premiums. This was an effective tax on companies who manufacture products in the US, and drove that production overseas – Mostly to China. The consequence of this is Hong Kong lost all its Independence, which hit had by treaty. Taiwan is currently being threatened. This will be as long as Taiwan and Obamacare exists.


Are these unintended consequences?  Our social value of freedom is under attack by Democrats. And for the last twenty years, the biggest ally of our international rivals are Democrat Party Presidents.

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