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Monday, February 28, 2022

Biden refuses to allow increase US oil production

Instead, in the middle of this crisis, the White House talks “renewable energy” (Fox Business).

Mr Biden essentially arranged financing for Russia's invasion of Ukraine by severely curtailing US petroleum production and export to Europe. (R&L)

It’s clear that the Biden administration is infested with devotees of green energy who are hostile to the fossil fuels we urgently need right now. So too is the European Union, whose president, Ursula von der Leyen, has just called for the continent to “massively invest in renewables,” a dubious short-term course given the limitations of wind and solar technology.

"Just this month, Biden appointees at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission erected regulatory barriers that essentially make it impossible for the United States to ever build another LNG export terminal.

"Democratic senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia called the move “reckless” (National Review)."


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