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Monday, June 28, 2010

Kagen ought to scare ya!

"Kagan vows to be unbiased, deferential to Congress" - Yahoo!

P.J. O'Rourke was right when he said, "Liberalism is just Communism sold by the drink."

Yahoo! posted an Associated Press story about Mr Obama's second selection for the Supreme Court. In the headline, the part about unbiased is fine. I would expect that form the bench. But the role of a Supreme Court Justice is to serve as a watch dog for the people, not a lapdog for the Congress. Ms Kagen has announced her intention to serve the Congress by licking their boots.

In the interview (to a "rapt Judiciary Committee" yet) Kagen said she would serve the Constitution, but also the choices of the people. "Choices of the people" can only mean she would think of bowing to mob rule instead of maintaining the protection of civil right guaranteed by the Constitution.

A Republic protects all legal residents by the rule of law, not by majority rule. The rule of law recognizes the purpose and fairness of the American Constitution. That document has embedded a method for change, so its rules may be modified. The American Left has frequently tried to short cut around the clear meaning of Constitutional law, saying a temporary majority is all they need to enact a "fair and living" law, and only having a majority makes the change right.

In its basest sense, democracy is mere mob rule. Mob rule has a clearly unhappy history. The Constitutional requirement of election naturally suggests a democratic majority is used to make day-to-day decisions, but those decisions should never conflict with the supreme authority of Constitutional law. The Framers use for democracy is clear: Democracy was serve as one check on politicians ambitions. The other check is the Constitution itself.

The Court serves the Constitution, not the legislature. Got that, Ms Kagen?

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