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Thursday, February 20, 2014

Liberal Plutocrats

The blemish-free "Democratic Party" of the little people has grown some ultra rich warts;  These plutocrats want to control the people for their own ends.  Rank and file Democrats are deceived into cheering. Big politics, like big government, like big labor, like any big organization always means someone at the top can be corrupt, directing the people to march to their own hurt.


Let the reader beware. At a recent confab at a billionaire's ranch, an elite gathering of business titans agreed to spend $100 million — thanks to legal loopholes that allow them to skirt federal campaign contribution limits — to elect like-minded politicians who will help them halt the wheels of government, move their party further from the political center and thwart the will of the American people. 

Billionaire Tom Steyer invited fellow liberal plutocrats to his Pescadero, Calif., ranch, where he challenged them to produce $50 million — to match $50 million he has pledged — to help elect politicians who share their views on climate change. Brother Jim told The New Yorker that the brothers Steyer want to be the Koch brothers of the left. Tom Steyer nixed that notion, saying: "We think we're representing the vast bulk of citizens of the United States. We're not representing our pockets."

Surely, Steyer knows that is not true. He has devoted millions to help Democrats defeat GOP "deniers" of climate change and to discourage White House approval of the Keystone XL pipeline, a key battleground in the fight over global warming. Recent Pew Research Center polls found that 65 percent of Americans support approval of Keystone, whereas only 30 percent oppose it; voters rated global warming as the 19th-most important national priority out of 20.

Last year, Steyer's NextGen Climate political organization produced an anti-Keystone ad that garnered four Pinocchios from Washington Post fact checker Glenn Kessler, who wrote that the spot did not meet "minimal standards" for "political attack ads."

Debra J. Saunders   


Anyone may freely express an opinion -- this is America after all.  But lying is a bad start. 
So who is behind all this corruption?  Any guesses?


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