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Unchecked, ever-expanding government power
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Wednesday, June 3, 2020

About New York City's Response to Riots

New York governor Cuomo blasts NYC mayor de Blasio.

New York governor Andrew Cuomo said “The NYPD and the mayor did not do their job last night, I believe that” (Red State).

Former NYC mayor Rudi Giuliani is on governor Cuomo’s side (Fox News).

From reporter Noah Pollak: Incredible statement from a leader of the NYPD to the rank and file officers: “I know we are losing the city. We have no leadership, no direction, and no plan. I know you are being held back and used as pawns” (Twitter).

De Blasio says they don’t need the National Guard, that the NYPD can handle this (Daily Caller).


Meanwhile at the White House....
The Media lied about President Trump using teargas.  No surprise. The media has lied a lot about this President.

What the US Park Police did use was only to “curtail the violence already underway.” The story also notes “The Park Police also said they had discovered caches of baseball bats, metal bars and glass bottles hidden on the street.”  
Daily Caller

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