PreviewThe people shape their own destiny
-- either as free people or as slaves.

If they remain self-reliant, they stay free.
Unchecked, ever-expanding government power
-- destroys lives.

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Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Joe Biden economic plan

Tax the rich ... to destroy the poor?  It's axiomatic that someone has to have money enough to employ a worker.  Also, it's axiomatic that governments waste almost all the funds they get. That is why  governments throughout history operate a military.  (Although necessary for national security, the purpose of military is to kill people and break things).

Joe Biden (D) announced his economic policies ( youtube ).  Mr Biden plans a corporate tax rate of 28%.  Corporations will be able to make more returns if they relocate to China (again).  Tax increases are a sure way to drive American employment offshore.

The Democratic candidate's policy is simple:
Tax the rich, starve the poor.
Drive employment offshore.

Talk about economic agony.

People are pretty hardy. Many people  think they can buy social solutions through a little suffering.  But they haven't experience with the Democrats' perpetual failure to keep their word.   Either the Democrats don't know how to deliver on their promises or they are lying about their intent.  Either way, the Democrats fail.


Corporations are just a machine.  They are a form of social organization that enables production.  Sometimes a corporation is subverted to other uses, like cheating people, but those uses are generally prosecuted under law.

For the most part, corporations are an economic tool that makes employment.   Here's how: A corporation takes in raw materials (that the corporation pays for), adds labor (that the corporation pays for), and sells the product (that the consumer pays for).  That middle step is how corporations make employment.

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