PreviewThe people shape their own destiny
-- either as free people or as slaves.

If they remain self-reliant, they stay free.
Unchecked, ever-expanding government power
-- destroys lives.

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Monday, July 27, 2020

The Left's ongoing attack on democracy.

The elitist, "liberal," press keeps up the fictional reporting that candidate Joe Biden (D) is a 14% shoo-in for President (CNN).

At the same time the "liberal" press is now "reporting" that President Donald Trump is lining the streets with federal troops to take over instead of having an election (The Guardian).

Ordinary elitist "liberal" paranoia so far.... (Wikipedia on paranoia)

But this paranoid reporting sets up another lengthy, debilitating pseudo-investigation on Donald Trump, should Mr Trump be re-elected.

If Biden is elected, he will be as clueless as he is. Or Mr Trump is elected, he will be tied up for another 4 years. So either way, the "liberal" socialist state of impediments, oppressive micro-management wins, and personal destruction wins. Either way, America loses.


For the record, I support democracy and the presidency of Donald Trump. The Left has conscripted the Democratic Party as their willing partner in removing debate and democracy from the public square.  

Mr Trump has worked for unraveling the growth of socialist control mechanism in American government. Ending socialism is consonant with preserving personal freedom and liberty.

God bless America.

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