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-- either as free people or as slaves.

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Unchecked, ever-expanding government power
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Friday, October 2, 2020

Cuomo Claims to have Saved New York City -- Not Sitting Well

Especially with those whose love ones died in nursing homes. Cuomo’s denials simply don’t match up with the facts.  Gov. Cuomo tells one of the biggest lies of the entire pandemic (Washington Examiner).  

Even CNN, where Cuomo's brother works on air, fact checked him “false” (Daily Wire).   

"Facts First: Cuomo’s assertion that “it never happened” is false. According to a report from the New York State Department of Health, “6,326 COVID-positive residents were admitted to [nursing home] facilities” following Cuomo’s mandate that nursing homes accept the readmission of Covid-positive patients from hospitals. Whether or not this was “needed,” it did in fact happen."

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