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Friday, October 9, 2020

Kamala Harris veep debate lies get fact checked

In the debate Wednesday night, Kamala Harris stated, “The American people know that Joe Biden will not ban fracking. That is a fact.” But Biden and Harris have both repeatedly expressed support for getting rid of fracking. Biden has said that there would be “no” place in his administration for fossil fuels in his administration and he would make sure they are “eliminated” (Video - Twitter).

Biden also is on video saying, “I guarantee you we’re going to end fossil fuels” (Twitter).

Harris, on the other hand, said during a CNN town hall that, “there’s no question I’m in favor of banning fracking” (Twitter). 

From the Federalist: She also lied frequently, and perhaps in ways that were too easily caught. She lied about Abraham Lincoln (PJ Media).

She repeated the false Charlottesville hoax about nazis and white nationalists (Twitter). 

And she falsely claimed Trump called COVID a hoax (YouTube). 

She tried to defend Biden on fracking but did so in a way that reminded voters of how he’s been all over the map on whether he zealously seeks to ban fracking or definitely does not want to (Federalist). 

From Townhall: The Russian bounties story that the Left tried to weaponize against Trump as evidence he was a bad commander-in-chief was tossed around. It’s not corroborated (Townhall).


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