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Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Portland, OR, is still messed up

ANTIFA terrorist forces in the northwest destroyed a statue of the great emancipator, Abraham Lincoln. From Fox: Portland protestors topple statues of Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln last night as part of Columbus Day Protests. 

“These are Biden fools. ANTIFA RADICALS. Get them FBI, and get them now!” Pres. Trump tweeted Monday, responding to a video depicting the toppled statue of Lincoln in Portland’s South Park Block.  The words “Stolen Land” can be seen spray-painted across its concrete base.

Other videos showed smashed out windows at the Oregon Historical Society and the Portland State University Campus Public Safety building.

The overnight violence in Portland was reportedly tied to the “Day of Rage” on the eve of Columbus Day  (FOX News).


Portland faces shootings surge after city disbands gun crime unit.  Weak-kneed politicians in Portland reduced police budget by $15 million.  Sorry, but you have to admit the Democrats are just not getting it right.

Sep. 24, 2020 - 4:09 - Portland Police Association president Daryl Turner calls out Mayor Ted Wheeler on 'The Story'  (FOX News)


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