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Thursday, December 31, 2020

Presdient Trump tops list of most admired men in 2020.

(Michelle Obama is most admired woman.)

Back to the Most Admired Man list:  Joe Biden came in third, behind second place Obama.  Elon Musk even made it into the top ten (Gallup).


A look at Trump’s top 5 triumphs of 2020. They are impressive:

1. The March for Life
Trump became the first sitting president to attend the March for Life in person and he gave a powerful speech in defense of the unbor.

2. The Mount Rushmore speech
Trump delivered a powerful Fourth of July speech at Mount Rushmore.  He rebuked the pretend social justice riots of last summer the racist leftism behind them but defended America’s goodness.  

3. Operation Warp Speed
President Trump urged the federal government to team up with companies like Moderna and Pfizer to fast-track a vaccine for the COVID pandemic.

4. Supreme Court Justice appointee Amy Coney Barrett
Barrett is an superb choice for Supreme Court.  She is an  originalist, and not likely to legislate from the bench. (A judge ought to judge according to legislated and written law, and not decide cases according to current politics).

5. Peace in the Middle East
The president brought historic peace accords to the Middle East and the leftist legacy media tries to bury the news. The hate-filled media vilified Mr Trump and he lost re-election.


List from PJMedia

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