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Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Raphael Warnock, Georgia Democrat for Senate: GOP Senators are “Gangsters and Thugs” who aim to “Kill children”

This is the latest in a stream of controversial and confusing statements from the Democratic candidate for Senate in Georgia. The quotes come from a 2017 sermon amidst a vote for a tax cut.

“While others were sleeping, members of the United States Senate declared war, launched a vicious and evil attack on the most vulnerable people in America,” said Warnock. “Herod is on the loose. Herod is a cynical politician, who’s willing to kill children and kill the children’s health program in order to preserve his own wealth and his own power” (Free Beacon).

Candidate Warnock favors abortion.  Speaking on the “Mission: Timpossible” podcast, the Rev. Raphael Warnock said he believes abortion is a “human right,” and he will fight for it in the U.S. Senate, if elected (Christian Post).

Warnock doesn't seem to notice that he more closely resembles Herod the baby killer than the Republicans do.


In addition "…. Rev. Raphael Warnock referred to the Nation of Islam as an “important” voice for African Americans during a 2013 speech in which he was comparing the Black power religion’s numbers to “mainline Protestantism” (FoxNews).

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