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Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Biden caves in to Teachers’ Union demands

Remember when Biden vowed to “teach our children in safe schools” in his inaugural address? The union has told him to change course, and he complied (Washington Times).

The bosses  of the teachers' union instructed their teachers to refuse to go back to work.  The teachers union president said she was “very pleased” after speaking to Biden’s people (National Review).

Once again, there’s a disconnect between what Biden promises—unity and empathy—and his actions. How about empathy for the millions of parents who are watching their kids because schools are closed? (Tom Cotton - Twitter).

Not a new story but new to the New York Times, the CDC is saying science reveals schools are safe (NY Times).

"COVID-19 infection rates at elementary schools in particular have been, compared to the country as a whole, microscopic—0.2 percent for teachers, 0.1 percent for students, according to economist Emily Oster’s database of 5,000-plus K-12 schools. The positive rate in New York City’s program of random school testing—currently standing at 0.52 percent from more than 360,000 tests since October—has consistently been around one-tenth of the overall community positivity rate (Reason)."

"They ain’t going to war with teachers’ unions for you and your kids. They should but they’re not going to. Be prepared that if your public schools haven’t opened yet, they likely won’t in fall. The goalposts will continue to move. Do what you can for your family with that in mind (Mary Katherine Ham - Twitter)."

The teachers’ union shut down the scheduled reopening in a New York City suburb, frustrating parents and students (NY Times).

"Parents and community groups in big, Democrat-run cities from New York to Chicago to San Francisco would very much like to reopen the public schools. But parents and community groups in big, Democrat-run cities from New York to Chicago to San Francisco are only incidental inconveniences to the teachers’ unions, who proceed from the assumption — which is far from obviously wrong — that the public schools are run for their benefit (National Review)."

The teachers’ unions are the single biggest obstacle to black youngsters getting a decent education — and among the biggest donors to the Democrats (Thomas Sowell - Twitter).


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