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Monday, January 18, 2021

Graham to Schumer: Reject impeachment trial to save the country

“The Senate should vote to dismiss the article of impeachment once it is received in the Senate,” Graham, a Republican from South Carolina, said in the letter. “We will be delaying indefinitely, if not forever, the healing of this great nation if we do otherwise” (Business Insider).

"Whether an impeachable offense warrants removal is about much more than whether it is impeachable per se — or even whether it is patently disqualifying. The political component of impeachment very much includes whether the nation strongly supports removal, versus whether removal is apt to intensify national strife. The supermajority removal requirement was intended to forestall the potential for impeachment driven mainly by partisanship — to discourage the House from impeaching unless there was at least a real possibility, if not a probability, that the Senate would convict (Andrew McCarthy - National Review)."

There is definite lack of supermajority support for impeachment.  According to The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday  (January 16, 2021) shows that 48% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Fifty-one percent (51%) disapprove.  (Rasmussen Reports)

The Democratic Party will rightly be viewed as staging a damaging hissy fit.  Forcing Mr Trump to stand trial after he is out of office is the height of political stupidity.  Let it blow over Democrats.



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