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Friday, January 15, 2021

Stalinists / Progressives / Democrats take opportunity to shut down conservative speech

Victor Davis Hanson noted …progressive politicians, Wall Street, the media, academia, Hollywood, and professional sports are all on the side of the mega-rich tech cartels. Partnering with Big Tech is both politically useful and financially lucrative.

So the values of the 19th-century rail and oil monopolies are back. But now they are married to the 20th-century leftist totalitarianism of George Orwell’s 1984. And they are further powered by the 21st-century instant reach of the internet.

This time around there will be no progressive trustbusters or muckrakers. They are in league with, or bought off by, the new electronic octopus. And its tentacles are strangling the thoughts and speech of an increasingly unfree America (National Review).

From Dennis Prager: Now we are faced with a lockdown on speech the likes of which have never been seen in America. And the parallels with Germany are even more stark. The left-wing party (the Democrats) and the left-wing media (the “mainstream media”) are using the mob invasion of the Capitol exactly the way the Nazis used the Reichstag fire (Townhall)

Meanwhile, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey was secretly recorded promising a “much broader” set of bans. Apparently a Twitter insider gave the tape to Project Veritas (Federalist).  Its interesting that this comes as Dorsey seems a bit more reflective in a series of Tweets before this broke (WSJ).

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