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Monday, January 11, 2021

Tech Giants Seek to Destroy Free Speech

“Conservatives of all stripes watched as Twitter and Facebook took extraordinary measures to black out legitimate reporting on Hunter Biden in the run-up to the election. Now an informal confederation of web gatekeepers is methodically destroying a competitor  that was created to accommodate their views” (WSJ).

Mr. Trump had to resort to the old fashioned press release to respond to Twitter (NY Post).

From Kelley Paul, wife of Senator Rand Paul: Hey @jack, remember how for the last three years you have allowed thousands of hateful tweets celebrating my husband’s assault and encouraging more violence against him? I do (on Twitter, ironically).


Social media app Parler has been removed from the internet in the wake of the violence in Washington, DC.

Amazon, which had provided the online tools to run the app, informed Parler that it would be cutting support from midnight local pacific time on Sunday. Soon after that deadline arrived, the site and its app went offline.

Visitors will now only see error messages informing them that the technology underpinning the site is not working properly.

(UK Independent.)

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