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Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Biden and Schumer buddy up to ban firearms


Biden fakes aim
Please Urge Your U.S. Senators to Oppose Biden and Schumer's Gun Control!

The quick, easy way to let your Senators know is to click on the NRA link here


Just this week, Joe Biden called for a nationwide ban on commonly-owned firearms and magazines used for hunting, recreational shooting and self-defense!

He also called on Chuck Schumer and the U.S. Senate to take up and pass gun control bills H.R. 8 and H.R. 1446. This legislation won't have any impact on crime or criminals, doesn't address America's broken mental health system and doesn't address the underlying causes of violence.

H.R. 8 would criminalize the private transfer of firearms and targets law-abiding gun owners for persecution. It would make criminals out of law-abiding gun owners for simply loaning a firearm to a friend or some family members. This bill would not stop criminals from obtaining guns because criminals do not comply with the law. And the legislation would be unenforceable without federal gun registration.

H.R. 1446 would allow unelected government bureaucrats to indefinitely delay firearm purchases for law-abiding Americans - depriving them of the ability to defend themselves and their families.

The U.S. Senate could vote on this legislation in the coming weeks! That's why it's important to make your voice heard, please contact your U.S. Senators TODAY and urge them to reject Biden and Schumer's gun control

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