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Friday, March 5, 2021

House passes leftist dream elections bill H.R. 1

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi narrowly secured passage of her signature election-overhaul legislation Wednesday without a single Republican vote, sending the heated debate over how America votes to the Senate where the bill is all-but doomed.

The proposal, which is known as H.R. 1, passed on a 220-210 vote almost entirely along party lines. Although one Democrat voted against the bill, the vote was otherwise entirely partisan, underscoring the gap between the two parties on election laws.

“Everything is at stake,” Mrs. Pelosi, California Democrat, said at a press conference ahead of the vote. “Across the country over 200 bills are being put together, provisions are put forth [by Republicans] to suppress the vote.”

“What we are doing in this fight that we are engaged in is to empower the people,” she said.  Apparently this is to be done by diluting the power of the citizens to control government.

Initially, the measure was heralded by House Democrats as expanding voting rights. They argued that the legislation, titled the “For the People Act,” would curb the influence of money in politics, prevent foreign interference in campaigns and stymie voter suppression.

Republicans have pointed to the bevy of liberal provisions in the 791-page bill and decried it as a partisan effort intended only to benefit Democratic candidates. They also have balked at the bill for guaranteeing voting rights for all felons, granting statehood to the District of Columbia and providing public financing of campaigns.

Despite House passage, the bill faces an even steeper climb in the Senate, where it will need at least 10 Republican votes to survive an expected filibuster. That number of Republican defections is unfathomable given the united opposition among Republicans in the House.

Sen. Richard Blumenthal, Connecticut Democrat and a strong supporter of a campaign finance overhaul, gave a blunt assessment when asked if the bill would pass the upper chamber.

“As it is now, no,” he said, though he held out hope that it could pass with some unspecified changes.

Rep. Tom McClintock, California Republican, proclaimed that the legislation, if enacted, would kill democracy in the U.S. He cited language in the bill that “nationalizes the mass-mailing of ballots,” while loosening restrictions on who can vote and where.

“Democracies die when one party seizes control of the elections process, eliminates the safeguards that have protected the integrity of the ballot, places restrictions on free speech, and seizes the earnings of others to promote candidates they may abhor,” Mr. McClintock said. “That’s the bill before us today.”

Washington Times  


Ten Most Egregious Provisions of H.R. 1

1. Publicly funds campaigns with federal fines on corporations.Creates a 6:1 funding match to any small donor contributions of $200 or less in a congressional or presidential campaign–meaning for every $200, the federal government will match $1,200. This funding would come from a surcharge on corporate and high taxpayer settlements with the Federal government. H.R. 1 also establishes a new voucher pilot program that grants eligible voters a $25 voucher to donate to any campaign of their choosing.

2. Nationalizes elections and centralizes administration in Washington, D.C.Oversteps the bounds established by the Constitution by impeding the states’ability to determine their registration and voting practices, as protected under Article 1, Section 4 of the Constitution, and mandating ethics standards for the Supreme Court, violating the separation of powers.

3. Makes “pandemic-style” election changes permanent.In 2020, states rushed to make changes in the name of COVID-19, like expanding mail-in voting without needed safeguards to protect ballot integrity, which created chaos, increased irregularities,and undermined public trust in our election process. H.R. 1 makes many of these changes permanent.

4. Imposes liberal California voting methods on every state.H.R. 1 would force states to permanently expand mail-in voting, legalize ballot harvesting, and disregard voter ID laws.

5. Weaponizes the Federal Election Commission (FEC). Alters the current bipartisan makeup of the six-member commission to a partisan five-member commission and establishes a “Speech Czar”, limiting free speech and creating a partisan commission.

6. Increases vulnerability for foreign election interference. Weakens the voting system of the American people by centralizing the election system, thereby increasing its vulnerability to foreign interference,and failing to implement the necessary checks and balances regarding who can register to vote. H.R. 1 will force states to implement online voter registration, automatic voter registration, and same-day voter registration with no safeguards.

7. Destroys the First Amendment.H.R. 1 would drastically limit free speech and impose vague standards that disadvantage all groups who wish to advocate on behalf of any legislative issue, specifically requiring them to disclose the names of donors who donate above a certain threshold.

8. Disregards state voter identification laws and provisional ballot rules. Forces states to allow sworn statements to be used in place of identification and allowing for signature verification, which can be submitted through a photo if the voter registers online.Forces states to count provisional ballots cast outside of the voter’s correct precinct.

9. Removes states’ ability to decide how their districts are drawn. Mandates the use of independent redistricting commissions for creating congressional districts, removing states’ flexibility to choose the best systems for the needs of their citizens.

10. Weaponizes Biden’s IRS. H.R. 1 permits the agency to investigate and consider the political and policy persuasions of organizations before granting tax-exempt status.

(Representative Dan Newhouse [R])


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