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Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Frightened Hyatt Regency Orlando "finds" deep cover Nazis.

The Conservative Political Action Conference met in Orlando Florida last weekend.  Then the American Left went with extra wackiness -- they say CPAC is Nazi!!!  

First, this post appeared on Twitter:

"The #CPAC stage is designed to be a rune used by the Nazis. Curious if@Hyatt is okay with Nazi symbols being used on their properties like this? (Morgan Freeman - Twitter)"


The "symbol" the Left imagines it sees is the Odal rune, also known as the Othala rune, from the old Norse alphabet, representing the "o" sound.  The Odal rune is encoded in Unicode at code point U+16D.  There is little resemblance between the CPAC stage lighting and the Odal -- too many legs and too many lights.

Seeing things that aren't there is evidence the American Left is bonkers -- then it got worse.  Hyatt hotel corporation joined them.  "Hyatt Hotels condemns ‘abhorrent’ hate symbols and ‘disrespectful’ CPAC guests following conservative conference (MSN)."   The Hyatt caved in (FOX News).

"Contrary to Hyatt’s own mission statement of inclusivity, your company just attacked its own customer by caving in to the pressures of the politically motivated social media agitators who seek to destroy CPAC, our attendees and speakers from across the country, and the millions of Americans who support our work," David Safavian, General Counsel for the American Conservative Union (FOX News)."

The American Left calls all their enemies Nazis -- it's like the taunts children used to use in grade school.  The childish method is to assume whatever you want to prove then claim you proved it by assuming it.

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