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Thursday, April 22, 2021

Ukraine Asks For Help as Russian Military Masses on Border

Ukraine on Wednesday urged Western allies to show they were prepared to punish Moscow with new sanctions, including kicking Russia out of the global SWIFT payments system, to deter the Kremlin from resorting to more military force against Ukraine (Reuters).

Newsweek notes “Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Tuesday night and warned his citizens that the country would “stand to the last man” in the event of a war with Russia, as tensions continue to build along the border between the two nations” (Newsweek).

Moscow's apparent plans for aggression indicate they have no respect for the Joe Biden administration.  Given the tangled history the Biden family has with the Ukrainian government, it's worth remembering  the Bidens may welcome the prospect of a Russian invasion. (The Guardian),  (NY Post)

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