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Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Republicans win free elections battle

Republicans used the filibuster to stop the Democrat's effort to control elections through forced, federalized elections.

"Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said Republicans won’t stand for Democrats’ attempt to impose new voting standards on states that would “rig” elections in their favor. He called the substance of the nearly 900-page bill “rotten” to its core (Fox News)."

The  Democrats claimed the this bill would protect voters' rights and the voting process, processes like voter rolls maintenance (to remove dead voters, for example) are heavily restricted or forbidden (Sec. 1201 & Sec. 1202.).  Also, internet registration would be established (Sec. 1001) -- of course there has never been a problem with internet security!!!

"Republicans on Tuesday blocked the most ambitious voting rights legislation to come before Congress in a generation, dealing a blow to Democrats’ attempts to counter a wave of state-level ballot restrictions and supercharging a campaign to end the legislative filibuster (New York Times)."

"By incessantly calling the Dems’ attacks on state laws a “voting rights bill” — and largely ignoring its most objectionable elements — journ[alists] are really just campaigning for it (David Harsanyi -- Twitter)."

"This lengthy Hill coverage never bothers to tell their readers a single reason why Republicans oppose the bill (The Hill)."

"The Wall Street Journal editorial board looks at the many problems with Joe Manchin’s so-called “compromise” (WSJ)."


Link to the text of the bill:

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