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Tuesday, August 31, 2021

It's over - the Taliban rule Afghanistan

The US abandons Americans in Afghanistan - The conclusion of another tiresome failure by the Democratic Administration.

CNN’s Clarissa Ward reports on a Houston, Texas family of four now stranded behind enemy lines. For two weeks, they went to the airport and couldn’t get past the Taliban that Biden left in charge (Twitter).

Biden promised just weeks ago “we’re gonna stay until we get them all out” (Western Journal).

Secretary of State Tony Blinken admits we left Americans behind, but then implies they wanted to stay (Fox News).

United States Central Command General Kenneth McKenzie offered this, “We did not get everybody out that we wanted to get out, but I think. If would have stayed another ten days, we would not have gotten everybody out that we wanted to get out and there still would have been people who would have been disappointed with that”(Daily Caller).

From the Wall Street Journal: The catalogue of strategic and military misjudgments that led to this ignominious day are many, and they flow from the current President of the United States. He insisted on a rapid, complete departure, despite the recommendation of most advisers to keep a residual force. He insisted on leaving Bagram and other airfields, taking U.S. contractors who were needed to keep the Afghan air force flying. After the government fell, Mr. Biden refused to alter his plan in order to create safe spaces beyond the Kabul airport to help with the evacuation. That would have required more troops and Mr. Biden was set on rapid withdrawal to vindicate his original decision (WSJ).

The administration also seems to be arguing, or at least implying, that U.S. citizens left behind have made a personal choice to stay. That argument is unlikely to age well. Some Americans have decided to stick around, but stories of U.S. citizens’ being harassed, beaten and blocked by the Taliban from entering into U.S. custody also abound. Those stories won’t end when U.S. soldiers aren’t around to impose moderation on our new partners in the Taliban (Noah Rothman - MSNBC). 

This is horrifying. And wrong. America doesn’t leave Americans behind (Ted Cruz - Twitter). 


The loss of 13 service people, August 26, 2021, in a suicide bombing attack, was the largest single loss of American lives in Afghanistan since June of 2013 (Wikipedia).  From March of 202 to July of 2021, no American lives had been lost.  The administration and the media keep calling Afghanistan America's longest war.  Most recently it had been a safe war for Americans. The bungled withdrawal cost more lives.

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