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Thursday, March 10, 2022

Biden killed the Keystone Pipeline forever

The developer of the Keystone Pipeline project said it is dead and much of the equipment has been sold.  

Others, speaking on condition of anonymity because they are not authorized to discuss the sale, told the Washington Examiner parts were sold for 30% less than the asking price.

If Keystone XL were to restart, it would mean rehiring workers, buying back pricey equipment, setting up housing, dealing with environmentalists opposed to the drilling, and getting small businesses burned by Biden’s decision to agree to reinvest in virtual ghost towns (Washington Examiner).

A video montage shows Biden clearly knew his policies would cause the current spike in gas prices and he was proud of that fact (Twitter).

"The variable is oil prices. 2008 invasion of Georgia; 2014 annexation of Crimea and now the 2022 war against Ukraine, all followed upon oil price spikes. Russia is a Petro-state. The most powerful way to change the calculus for Putin is to starve the Russian state of revenues by simply unleashing American energy ingenuity. Oil [price] is now at nosebleed high levels. If we can drive it down, we can drive down Putin’s ability to feed his war machine (Jerry Bowyer, Townhall Review).

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