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Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Biden attacks armed citizens

Bird poop on Biden's lapel
Mr Biden (D) is attacking the citizen's right to effective self-defense.  Instead Mr Biden insists no one needs much weaponry to shoot birds (The Western Journal).  If only birds a were the threat attacking innocent civilians....

Mr Biden's party, the Democrats, were a major proponent of de-funding the police, dismantling social protection, and doing early release of actual violent criminals.


From the Wall Street Journal editorial board: Children account for 64 of the 671 people shot in Chicago so far this year. Overall, the city had 797 murders last year—a 60% increase compared to 2019. Some 4,375 people were shooting victims in Chicago in 2021, up from 2,598 two years prior. Democrats blame guns for the violence, and on Monday President Biden announced a new regulation on firearms, including restrictions on privately made weapons. 

Yet Illinois already has strict gun laws. It requires a license for all gun ownership and universal background checks, among other rules. Chicago bans assault weapons, silencers, mufflers and laser sights; limits the sale of handguns and high-capacity magazines; and restricts sales at gun shows. This amounts to much of the progressive gun-control wish list, but it isn’t making Chicago safer. 

The real problem is the lack of political will to stop the mayhem. Between 2020 and 2021, Chicago cut its police budget by some $63 million. Crime spiked, and the city responded by restoring and increasing police funding. But by cutting vacancies it shrunk the authorized force more than 600 members between 2019 and 2022, according to data from the mayor’s office (Wall Street Journal).

"At the very moment that Americans’ worry about crime has hit recent new highs, Joe Biden has decided that the best strategy will be to find more ways to burden law- abiding gun owners (Ed Morrissey -- Hot Air)."

The Biden Administration announced the nomination of Steven Dettelbach as the Director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (“ATF”), subject to Senate confirmation. With Dettelbach’s nomination, President Biden has chosen to double-down on his attempt to put a gun control advocate in charge of the agency responsible for regulating America’s firearms industry.  (NRA


Like every other authoritarian in history, Biden is determined not to serve citizens but to to have un-armed victims for the criminal constituency.


The bird actually pooped on Biden during a speech about increasing air pollution to reduce fuel prices, and the usual dreck blaming Putin's invasion of Ukraine for all the USA's problems.

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