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Friday, April 29, 2022

Biden's Ministry of Truth


The Biden administration has set up something they call Disinformation Governance Board under the authority of the Homeland Security Department.

"Our Undersecretary for Policy, Rob Silvers is co-chair with our Principal Deputy General Counsel, Jennifer Gaskell, in leading a just recently constituted misinformation disinformation governance board. So we're bringing — the goal is to bring the resources of the department together to address this threat," DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said.  (Post Millennial)

"This threat?"  Debate, which is critical for a free democracy, is bad for this adminstration.  


Nina Jankowicz is an American author and political commentator specializing in disinformation. She was selected to head the newly formed Disinformation Governance Board of the United States Department of Homeland Security. 

Jankowicz, 33, considers herself an authority on disinformation.  She claimed in 2020 that the Hunter Biden laptop was a fake Russian story. She has also described criticism of Vice President Kamala Harris, and opposition to transgender ideology, as threats to U.S. national security. 

“Our democracy doesn’t work when we don’t have a shared understanding of truth,” Jankowicz said. 

She called for federal legislation increasing the regulation of political advertising on social media. 

She also applauded growing links between social media companies and “the CIA, the FBI, and Department of Homeland Security” to detect “foreign interference online.” 

She said that President Trump should have created “a disinformation czar at the level of the National Security Council, it’s going to be an interagency working group that’s going to pull in the smartest minds working on this all around our government, and we’re gonna help connect them with folks in Silicon Valley and civil society leaders.”




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