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Tuesday, May 31, 2022

President and Veep advance gun bans

Vice President Kamala Harris called for a ban on “assault weapons” on Saturday after she spoke at the funeral of a woman killed in the Buffalo, New York grocery store mass shooting earlier this month. She called the AR firearm a “weapon of war” that has “no place in civil society.” 

“We are not sitting around waiting to figure out what the solution looks like. You know, we’re not looking for a vaccine. We know what works on this,” confessed the Veep.  “Let’s have an assault weapons ban” (Fox News). 

Harris apparently missed that the stated purpose of the 2nd Amendment is to promote the readiness of a citizens' militia:  Private ownership and possession of military arms (so-called assault weapons) are specifically protected.

While most Democrats have targeted what they call “assault weapons” in the wake of the mass shooting, Biden appears to be setting his sights on handguns, too, which isn’t the first time he’s singled out the nine millimeter pistol, one of the most popular firearms in America (Townhall).

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