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Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Biden & high gasoline prices

Everyone is getting hurt by high energy prices.   The president pushes non-existent green energy instead.

President Biden faced backlash after appearing to suggest that high gas prices will be a “good” opportunity to make a fundamental turn” to clean energy on Monday. Some conservatives called the president out on Twitter for the comments, as gas prices average $4.98 a gallon nationwide, according to AAA and inflation rose to a 40-year-high last month, sparking fears of an impending recession. Biden’s comments sparked backlash from many conservatives, with some critiquing Biden as being tone-deaf to the problems average Americans are facing (Fox News).

Biden ground on in a letter to oil companies. , attacking them for the results of administration's policies.

"(T)he sharp rise in gasoline prices is not driven only by rising oil prices, but by an unprecedented disconnect between the price of oil and the price of gas," President Biden wrote. "The last time the price of crude oil was about $120 per barrel, in March, the price of gas at the pump was $4.25 per gallon. Today, gas prices are 75 cents higher, and diesel prices are 90 cents higher,"  Biden complained about oil company profit.  (Mediaite)

But the AP came to a different conclusion.

"THE FACTS: There actually is little evidence something nefarious is behind the higher gasoline prices, as Biden suggests." (AP News).

Energy producer Chevron told President Biden Tuesday his administration should offer “clarity and consistency” on energy policies and record gas-pump prices, and engage in “honest dialogue” about the importance of domestic oil production instead of trying to “vilify” the companies who produce it.

Chevron Chairman and CEO Mike Wirth was responding to an accusation made by Mr. Biden last week that corporate greed is in part to blame for sky-high prices at the pump and a threat from the president to invoke emergency wartime powers to force more gasoline production (Washington Times).
Chevron CEO Mike Worth wrote to Biden to ask for honest & consistent dialogue:

"American oil and gas supplies are among the most efficient, responsibly produced, and lowest carbon intensity supplies in the world. At roughly 15 kg of CO2-equivalent per barrel, Chevron’s Permian Basin carbon intensity is some two-thirds lower than the global industry average. U.S. Gulf of Mexico production has carbon intensity just a fraction of the global industry average. Increasing American production will offset barrels produced in other parts of the world that may not support America’s energy security, economic competitiveness, or environmental goals.

I want to be clear that Chevron shares your concerns over the higher prices that Americans are experiencing. And I assure you that Chevron is doing its part to help address these challenges by increasing capital expenditures to $18 billion in 2022, more than 50% higher than last year. Chevron and its 37,000 employees work every day to help provide the world with the energy it demands and to lift up the lives of billions of people who rely on these supplies. Notwithstanding these efforts, your Administration has largely sought to criticize, and at times vilify, our industry. These actions are not beneficial to meeting the challenges we face and are not what the American people deserve (Text of the whole letter at Chevron).


A brief history of this administration's energy policy in headlines shows the uniform hostility the Left and their president has to the welfare of the American People.

  • Biden 'constraining' oil and gas, industry says, as New Mexico land sale delayed again (Yahoo News)
  • Actions speak louder than words, and Biden’s agenda of ending the fossil fuel era is considered hostile by most U.S. oil and gas producers (FBN)
  • Biden May Kill A Quarter Of U.S. Oil And Gas Production (Forbes) from a prediction published in January 2021

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