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Thursday, July 7, 2022

Elizabeth Warren Demands Crisis Pregnancy Centers "Stop"

Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren (D) is declaring war on crisis pregnancy centers in her state while lamenting the fact they outnumber abortion clinics 3-1. Last week, she introduced legislation to crack down on pro-life clinics that help pregnant women in crisis.  Warren insists the centers deceive pregnant women. (Katie Pavlich - Townhall).

RNC Research: Democrat Senator Elizabeth Warren: “We need to put a stop” to crisis pregnancy centers “right now” (RNC Research - Twitter).  

The Capitol Hill Crisis Pregnancy Center helps women and infants who need help. They give emotional, spiritual, and material support to the poor, the struggling and the neglected. For this, they are hated (Christopher Bedford - Twitter).

Once again, Elizabeth Warren has dedicated herself for a bad idea that is unfair to all, not to mention damaging to society.  Thank God, Warren is usually ineffective.

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