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Wednesday, October 19, 2022

New England faces blackouts this Winter

Due to the depleted supplies of natural gas.

Residents in New England cities are facing rolling blackouts this winter if temperatures drop for a prolonged cold snap because of lower fuel supplies. The region relies on natural-gas imports to bridge the gaps during the winter but is now having to compete with European countries for shipments of liquefied gas. Russia’s halt of most pipeline gas to the continent has ramped up the price and demand for natural gas across the globe [Daily Mail].

Utility companies in New York, Connecticut, and other New England states projected supply shortfalls more than a decade ago. Fortunately, New York and Pennsylvania sit on some of the richest natural gas resources in the country, found in the Marcellus shale deposits. The companies requested new, higher-volume pipelines to carry natural gas to meet the spiraling demands of New York City, particularly at the furthest end of the gas lines in Long Island. They also urged the development of local gas production to feed those lines. Similar situations were noted all across New England. New York refused to approve new gas lines and passed a moratorium on natural gas drilling in the state [Ed Morrissey: Hot Air].

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