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Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Rutger’s Professor disparages white people "We gotta take these motherf**kas out"

Professor Crunk (yes, that’s her name) proposed murderous violence in a fashionable display of leftism...  

"We’ve seen a lot of ‘professors’ over the years saying some horrifically and monumentally stupid **** about almost every topic, but this from Rutger’s Professor Crunk about white people being the villain, whiteness having an end date, and her quite proudly claiming ‘we’ve gotta take these **** out,’ takes the racist cake. Can you imagine if a white professor said this about ANY race [Twitchy]?

Rutgers professor says that “white people are committed to being villains” and falsely claims that Africans arrived in North America before white Europeans. “Whiteness is going to have an end date,” she warns. “We gotta take these **** out” [Christopher Rufo: Twitter].

Can you imagine being a white kid stuck being taught by a professor who advocates murdering you because of the color of your skin [John Hawkins: Twitter]?

Professor Crunk disappeared from the list of Rutgers Professors


Elitism has always carried a burden of hatred with it.  Somewhere in the human psyche there is the need to make sense of everything, especially if it can't possibly be sensible.   

An example is from the old American south, where the Democratic Party was the party of racial injustice.  Their rationale: Pretend anyone who suffered racial injustice was somehow to blame for it. 

So they hated black people, Jews, sometimes Italians and other slightly darker skinned people, and any white folk who did not agree with the home grown racism.

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