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Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Are California's police dogs racist?

Are dogs are now racist?

A new effort is underway to ban police from using police dogs to arrest or apprehend suspects. If passed, it would also ban police from using them for crowd control.

The lawmaker behind the bill, newly-elected Assembly member Corey Jackson, said that the use of police canines, or K9s, has been the backbone of this country’s history of racial bias and violence against Black Americans. Jackson said police canines were first used by slave catchers and are a violent carryover from America’s dark past (ABC 10).

This is a ridiculous legislative push; criminals on the run or being chased by police shouldn’t be comfortable… All this bill would do is decrease public safety. And police dogs have been essential in various other law enforcement duties, not least being tasked with saving the lives of fellow officers (Townhall).

Assemblyman Jackson uses Dr. in front of his name.  He is not a medical doctor.  He has a doctorate is in social work.

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