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Friday, March 10, 2023

Democrat accuses "Twitter Files" journalists of endangering lives by exposing the truth of government censorship

Representative Stacey Plaskett (D., Virgin Islands) made a thinly veiled threat against the lives of Matt Taibbi and Michael Shellenberger during a Thursday hearing on the Twitter Files.  Plaskett accused the pair of journalists of endangering the lives of Twitter employees by exposing how the social-media platform partnered with various federal agencies to censor  views officially disfavored by the  Democratic Party.

Plaskett insisted that there was no “real evidence” of coordination between Twitter and the federal government and argued that the hundreds of emails revealed by Shellenberger and Taibbi are simply evidence of benign “content moderation” efforts [National Review]

"Rep. Jim Jordan took his five minutes and it's must-watch: 'The truth is, we want to focus on protecting the First Amendment...' [Townhall; Twitter]

One reviewer wrote, "@Jim_Jordan OBLITERATES Democrat on House Weaponization Committee after she has utter meltdown over Twitter Files authors testifying to expose Big Tech censorship🔥🔥🔥 Benny Johnson tweeted [Benny Johnson: Twitter]."

The Democrats continued their meltdown when they attempted to force Twitter Files journalists to reveal their sources.  Rep. Sylvia Garcia, D-Texas, was accused of badgering journalist Matt Taibbi when she  attempted to compel him into reveling a source on Thursday during a heated House Judiciary Committee hearing on the Twitter Files, but the reporter wouldn’t budge.

Sourcing was a sensitive subject as it had already come up during the hearing when Taibbi was asked directly about it regarding his reporting on internal Twitter communications and accusations of government censorship. Garcia asked Taibbi when Twitter owner Elon Musk first approached him to partake in the “Twitter Files” project, which has allowed once-secret internal discussions to be exposed, revealing an array of issues. Taibbi began to say he couldn’t reveal that information when Garcia insisted she simply needed a date [Fox News].

"Chaos. Tensions rise after House Democrats try to get (Matt Taibbi) to reveal his sources for the Twitter Files (video) [Townhall: Twitter]."

"Journalist Michael Shellenberger says Biden’s FTC demanding Twitter reveal the names of journalists with whom they interacted is a 'chilling' and 'disturbing' attack on the free press. 'I never thought that would happen in the United States of America' (video) [RNC Research: Twitter]."

It would be amusing if the matter of the threat against liberty and freedom weren't so serious.

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