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Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Drew Barrymore kneels to a transexual during an interview on her show

In just the last few years, Democrats’ idol worshiping has been on display in the case of George Floyd, Dr. Anthony Fauci, and the transgender movement as a whole. We’re seeing the group that on the one hand demands equal rights for women put biological men on pedestals, giving multiple women’s awards to them, allowing them to dominate women in sports, and attacking anyone who dares to speak out. But according to some critics, the idol worship has reached a new low thanks to actress, producer and talk show host Drew Barrymore [Townhall ][.

Drew Barrymore kneels for Dylan Mulvaney, a man pretending to be a woman, in one of the most bizarre “interviews” you will ever see [Twitter].

Mulvaney rose to fame through TikTok as an activist and has been invited to the White House to speak about the issue. Mulvaney joined Barrymore’s show to discuss experiences in the trans community [Daily Caller].

Why is Barrymore kneeling?  In main because woke is when people who were never victims become oppressors of people who never oppressed. 

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