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Wednesday, March 29, 2023

University Professor Suspended for Calling on People to Kill Conservative Speakers

Wayne State University has suspended an English professor and referred him to police for saying Stanford students who abused a conservative judge should have killed him instead of just heckling. 

The professor is believed to be Steven Shaviro, a self-styled philosopher and teacher of English at the university,  who wrote that Stanford students would be justified in killing the conservative judge whose appearance on campus was recently protested. 

 University president Roy Wilson announced the suspension Monday morning, which is when he said the school became aware of the post (Daily Mail).

There’s simply no excuse to ever call for violence against a group of people. It can’t be tolerated, and absolutely shouldn’t be. College campuses used to be a place where debate wasn’t just encouraged. It was a core pillar of the college life. Now, it seems like screaming and poor behavior is the new standard when confronted with views you don’t like (Outkick).

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