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Saturday, April 1, 2023

Joe Manchin --- Democrats not usin Inflation Reduction Act as intended

Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) claims he was fooled by his party.

Manchin claims he is concerned about the national debt. When he and President Joe Biden met to discuss the Inflation Reduction Act, he said, "we agreed that the bill was designed to pay down our national debt and shore up America’s energy security." But now, "instead of implementing the law as intended, unelected ideologues, bureaucrats, and appointees seem determined to violate and subvert the law to advance a partisan agenda that ignores both energy and fiscal security."

Manchin is most upset that these bureaucrats are "ignoring the law's intent to support and expand fossil energy." He claims that the Biden administration is trying to "implement the bill it wanted, not the bill Congress actually passed" and that only Biden can stop this by talking to members of Congress and halting the redefining of the law [Washington Examiner].

Joe Manchin said "Unless common-sense actions are taken now, America’s energy security will not only be jeopardized, but we will soon approach a debt-ceiling calamity that is completely avoidable [Wall Street Journal]."

No April Fools

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