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Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Biden Administration's new restrictions on your dishwasher

The Biden Administration has targeted just about every common household appliance at this point. 

The Department of Energy proposed new appliance rules that would cut water and energy use limits for Americans’ dishwashers well below current levels. The proposal would limit dishwashers to using 3.2 gallons of water per cycle, far below the current federal limit of 5 gallons.

The rules would also require manufacturers to reduce their products’ energy consumption by nearly 30%. Most dishwashers on the market are already below the federal standard of 5 gallons, with most using 3.5 gallons per cycle or less.

Dishwashers are not the only appliances Biden’s DOE has set its sights on, however, as the regulator is also considering crackdowns on washers, dryers and refrigerators that manufacturers say could reduce performance [Fox News].

Jill Notini, a spokeswoman for the Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers, warned that ordinary Americans will ultimately pick up the tab for the new rules.

But administration officials issued the usual lie that their plans will ‘lower costs for American families and businesses while tackling the climate crisis’ [Daily Mail].

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