PreviewThe people shape their own destiny
-- either as free people or as slaves.

If they remain self-reliant, they stay free.
Unchecked, ever-expanding government power
-- destroys lives.

Government panacea is a defective idea.
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Monday, November 20, 2023

January 6 videos -- 40,000 hours of downloads

The House published thousands of hours of unedited, January 6, videos. The videos tell a story different from the APL media. 

Most "January 6 photos" are tailored or picked out to fit the narrative, and are not true. There are a surprising number of fake photos out here in Leftist Land. The leftist authoritarian is always ready to correct the facts. 

Do the two guys on the right side have paintball guns?

This is posed.

"If they do these things when the wood is green, what will happen when it is dry?"
Luke 23:31

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