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Saturday, December 30, 2023

Illegal immigration impact on US population

The US has an illegal immigration problem, largely due to president Biden's active admission of illegals, and the Democrat Party passive neglect of border enforcement.  when the Republicans gained a slight majority in the US House of Representatives, they could enact bills more favorable to border control, but the Democrat controlled Senate refused to pass any of them.

The significance of uncontrolled immigration is that US social make up being changed right before our eyes.

In fiscal year 2023 there were 3,201,344 illegal encounters  (FAIR).  Almost all illegals are admitted entry to await their trials, being given a desk appearance ticket and released into US society.  Some illegals are known to be heinous criminals and those are usually returned to their country of origin.

Now, let us compared the number of those admitted to wait for trial to the US birth rate.  The 2023 birthrate of 12.023 births per 1000 (Macrotrends), an multiply that by the 2023 U.S. population of 339,996,563 (Macrotrends).

This gives a 2023 result of 4,087,783 births in US (all births) for 2023.  

Compared: This number is only a little more than the number of illegal adult immigrants in 2023, and includes some of the illegals arrivals' offspring.

In 2023 (FY), the US had population growth (including illegal immigrants) of 7,289,127.  Of that overall population growth, 44% was by illegal immigration.

Can the US survive this reshaping of its population composition with its good character intact?

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