PreviewThe people shape their own destiny
-- either as free people or as slaves.

If they remain self-reliant, they stay free.
Unchecked, ever-expanding government power
-- destroys lives.

Government panacea is a defective idea.
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Monday, June 8, 2020

Death of a symbol

George Floyd has become a symbol.  That means he lost his individual life for nothing.  Mr Floyd  has become merely a symbol of discontent from the politically motivated flavor-of-the-month.  Mr George Floyd was a human being, a person.  He deserves better than this.

Is the accused murderer of Mr Floyd a racist?  I seriously doubt that- The policeman (now dismissed) was more likely a bully who liked hurting people.  He probably had the shadow of racism in picking his target, but he mostly wanted hurt people.  His racism is secondary.

Don't get me wrong -- ending racism is an important topic.  But we cannot lose sight of the human beings because the topic of racism is important.  People are my race.  Other types of racists are screwed in the brain.

It is unfair is when the crowd makes one person pay for the wrong  another has done.  That outcome is identical to racism.

We are Americans.  We have to be fair, to work out our problems with a gracious heart toward others.  Or else we  are --- everyone of us --- doomed to extinction.


"With Malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds.
  --- Abraham Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address.  Lincoln was the first Republican president.

You will not hear this most anywhere else -- this is the voice of reason.


Voting Democrat?  Prepare to be disappointed: 

"If you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't Black."
 – Joe Biden

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