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Thursday, September 24, 2020

Louisville erupts as Black Lives Matter riots - Police officers shot.

 Following a legal decision they didn’t like in the Breonna Taylor case (NY Times).  The facts of the case are:  Police served a warrant at 3 AM at Taylor's companion's apartment, Taylor's companion shot through the door, Police fired into the darkened room, which killed Taylor and missed her companion.

Two Louisville police officers, who had not been involved in the Taylor death, were shot (Fox News).

Video as the gunfire began. (Twitter).  

Reuters declared the shooting of police “mostly peaceful”.  Still photos.  (Twitter).

From the black Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron as he gave news of the charge: “Our reaction to the truth today says what kind of society we want to be. Do we really want the truth, or do we want a truth that fits our narrative?” (Wall Street Journal).

Denny Burk called Cameron’s statement “a message favoring the rule of law, due process, and justice. The stuff that civil rights, freedom, and democracy are built upon (Twitter).

Before the riots began, a U-Haul arrived with riot equipment.  It was brought by someone with Soros connections (Red State).   (Demonstration is civil right -- rioting is not.)

Rioters continued their charming tactic of harassing diners - video (Twitter).

Rioters marched in St. Paul - still  (Twitter).

Rioters chanted in the streets of New York - video (Twitter).

Rioters rioted in Atlanta - video (Twitter).

In Austin, police arrested people who clogged the streets - video (Twitter).

In Dallas, white BLM protestors shouted at a black woman who was trying to drive down the street - video (Twitter).

"I wish the Democrats were as upset about rioting and burning down cities as they were about the constitutionally sound nomination of a judge (Erielle Davidson: Twitter).

"In recent years at least as many unarmed whites have been killed by police as have unarmed blacks. For 2020 as of June, per Washington Post, police shot and killed 14 unarmed blacks and 25 unarmed whites. Name…one…unarmed…white…victim (Larry Elder: Twitter).

~~~~ meanwhile ~~~~

Riots go on in Portland, violence expands due to the Democrats' political stunt of reduced police funding.  Black Americans are the main victims.  According to the story, the Portland mayor now admits cutting police funding was a mistake.  (Fox News)

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