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Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Media attacks Roman Catholic faith of Supreme Court candidate

First:   Newsweek claimed a group Amy Coney Barrett  is associated with was the inspiration for The Handmaid’s Tale.  (Daily Wire).   (Newsweek was later forced to issue a revised version)   

Then: Reuters attacked Cohen’s “religious community” as being similar to “the totalitarian, male-dominated society of Margaret Atwood’s novel ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’” (Reuters).  Reuters later re-wrote the story (National Review).

"Straight-up religious bigotry pretending to be a news report. Badly done, @ReutersPolitics" ( Denny Burk: Twitter).

From Alexandra DeSanctis: This is an excellent example of “journalists” setting out with their (anti-Catholic) conclusion already lined up and then filling the article with cherry-picked comments and claims to try to make it true ( Alexandra DeSanctis:_Twitter).

These people KNOW they shouldn’t do [ religious hatred ] , but they cannot help themselves (Tim Carney:  Twitter).

From Ben Sasse: These ugly smears against Judge Barrett are a combination of anti-Catholic bigotry and QAnon-level stupidity. People of Praise is basically a Bible study —and just like billions of Christians around the world, Judge Barrett reads the Bible, prays, and tries to serve her community. Senators should condemn this wacky McCarthyism” (National Review).

From Guy Benson: Am told that at least two more major news organizations are working on stories about Barrett’s religious beliefs (Twitter).

Sohrab Ahmari explains why he believes Barrett is the best pick (NY Post). 


“A judge is obligated to apply the law as it is and not as she wishes it would be. She is obliged to follow the law even when her personal preferences cut the other way,”   Judge Amy Coney Barrett at Hillsdale College discussing the job of a judge, in reference to John Adams (Barret Video. Twitter).

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