PreviewThe people shape their own destiny
-- either as free people or as slaves.

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Unchecked, ever-expanding government power
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Thursday, December 3, 2020

Biden: “You cannot be traveling during these holidays”

“You cannot be traveling during these holidays.”  

King Biden has spoken.  

(Washington Times),  (MSN News)


Meanwhile... the Democratic mayor of Austin, Texas, vacationed while telling others to stay home.

Steve Adler is only the latest Democrat to get caught in hypocrisy disease (AP). 

How many more Democrats are going to apologize for being hypocrites? (Ari Fleischer - Twitter). 

One Democrat isn’t apologizing.  The "Democratic" LA County Supervisor who was caught dining out after voting to not allow others to do so said it’s a “nonstory” (Fox News). 

Elitist hypocrisy stinks badly.

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