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Thursday, December 3, 2020

Sidney Powell suddenly seeks to hand Senate to Democrats

She held a rally in Georgia and encouraged Republicans to boycott the upcoming runoffs, which would hand power to Democrats to undo all we hold dear (Washington Examiner). 

The two Trump-allied lawyers have made themselves into wrecking balls against the Republican Party of Georgia, whose top elected officials, they allege, are involved in the most dastardly and far-reaching conspiracy in American history. This might be only a bizarre footnote to the 2020 election, if their charges weren’t being amplified by the president of the United States and didn’t come at a time when the GOP needs all of its voters to turn out in the two January runoff elections in Georgia that will determine control of the Senate (Rich Lowry - Politico).  

A breakdown of many of the conspiracy theories and their flaws (Patreon).

from Karl Rove: Republicans worry, however, about President Trump’s attacks on Georgia’s election machinery, including Twitter assaults on the state’s GOP governor and secretary of state. They’re concerned Republicans will be convinced the race is rigged and stay home, allowing Democrats to win (WSJ).

Jim Geraghty looks at the sudden distain Barr faces for saying fraud did not change the election outcome (National Review).

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